Quality and Environmental Policies and Goals Business

Business Procedure
Updated: 2024-02-23 09:09 – LES
[se alle versioner]
Owner: PS


he purpose of this procedure is to establish Finnerup A/S’s overarching quality, environmental, and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policies, as well as to define clear and concrete goals within these areas.


This business procedure encompasses the entire management system.


It is the responsibility of the director to ensure that policies and goals are established and that everyone working at Finnerup A/S is aware of them. Employees must be able to implement these policies and goals in practice within their own work area

All employees are responsible for staying informed about current policies and possible changes and contributing to achieving the established quality and environmental goals.

The quality coordinator is responsible for maintaining this business procedure.


The director ensures that quality, environmental, and CSR policies continually reflect Finnerup A/S’s strategic direction.

The strategic direction refers to the company’s overall business course aimed at meeting the expectations of shareholders and capital owners.

Quality Policy

Finnerup has established the following quality policy:

  • Deliver optimal solutions on time, connecting our technical expertise with our customers’ markets and products through flexibility, established specifications, documentation, and other requirements agreed upon with the customer.
  • Communicate knowledge and know-how through value-creating communication, ensuring optimal solutions in collaboration with the customer.
  • Ensure well-educated employees through systematic competence development and maintaining Finnerup A/S as an attractive workplace.
  • Preserve resources by involving employees in ongoing quality work to ensure engagement and quality awareness at all levels of the organization, and by continuously optimizing processes with a persistent focus on quality, minimizing the use of resources for the benefit of the environment.
  • Create lasting improvements through innovation, continuous development of processing methods, and process optimization, ensuring added value for both parties.

Environmental Policy

Ledelsen vil igennem sit strategiske arbejde konstant prioritere indsatser for at minimere sin miljømæssige påvirkning af det omgivende samfund.

Through its strategic work, management will continuously prioritize efforts to minimize its environmental impact on the surrounding community. Thus, every strategy and business plan will consider the use of best available technology, resource consumption, and sustainability.

It is our ambition to present ourselves as a sustainable and environmentally conscious company.

It is important to us that…

  • We stay well-informed about current and upcoming legal, industry, and customer requirements related to environmental work so that we can meet these requirements through the organization and planning of processes.
  • We comply with all applicable laws and regulations relevant to our business, striving to stay ahead of all new legislation whenever possible.
  • We consistently strive to reduce the environmental impact of our activities, which we see as a natural expectation from our customers and partners.
  • We act proactively in environmental matters—quickly, effectively, and systematically working on prevention and continuous follow-up on initiated improvements.

CSR Policies

Finnerup has established the following policies for CSR, although the environmental policy is treated as a separate point.


See Environmental Policy.

Human Rights

Our human rights policy is based on the publication of the UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights from 2020, reflecting the principles approved by the Human Rights Council in UN resolution 17/4 of June 16, 2011.

We are committed to ensuring that our activities and actions do not negatively impact others’ human and labor rights. We are also committed to taking action if we become aware that our own operations or previous steps in the supply chain contribute negatively to human and labor rights.

It is important to us that…

  • Our activities and actions do not negatively affect others’ human and labor rights.
  • All individuals are treated fairly and without discrimination.
  • We ensure fair wages and working conditions, and establish the necessary precautions to ensure that child labor, forced labor, or involuntary labor does not occur in the supply chain.
  • We, and our supply chain, do not contribute to or benefit from local or regional conflicts and/or human rights violations.
  • We produce a transparent human rights report containing goals, progress, and challenges (CSR report).

Working Conditions

We are committed to treating our employees, suppliers, and customers ethically, fairly, and with respect at all times. By doing so, we aim to ensure the well-being of our organization and ensure that our activities and actions do not negatively impact the working conditions of suppliers, customers, and their employees.

It is important to us that…

  • We treat our employees, suppliers, and customers ethically, fairly, and with respect at all times.
  • We have a fair and transparent recruitment process, and that corrective measures, and in extreme cases, dismissal, are handled with dignity and respect for the affected employee.
  • We produce a transparent working conditions report containing goals, progress, and challenges (CSR report).

Consumer Relations

We aim to meet existing and potential new customers with helpfulness, high business ethics, and decency.

It is important to us that…

  • We deliver optimal solutions on time, connecting our technical expertise with our customers’ markets and products.
  • We communicate knowledge and know-how.
  • We ensure fair pricing that reflects the scope and nature of the task, as well as the quality of the service provided.
  • We safeguard all customer data in accordance with applicable regulations, ensuring that they are not shared with third parties without prior written consent.
  • We listen to customers in all interactions and handle potential deviations professionally to make the customer whole and implement controls to prevent future deviations.
  • We produce a transparent report on consumer relations containing progress and challenges (CSR report).

Local Community Development

We aim to engage with and contribute positively to the development of the surrounding community on various levels and areas.

It is important to us that…

  • We collaborate with relevant municipalities.
  • We continuously assess our framework for purpose and funding for local community development to ensure that our framework aligns with the community’s needs and challenges.
  • We utilize local labor as much as possible when the necessary competencies are present.
  • We produce a transparent report on local community development containing progress and challenges (CSR report).

Business Ethics

We see high business ethics and integrity as the backbone of how we conduct business.

It is important to us that…

  • We maintain a high level of integrity and transparency in all business activities and interactions.
  • We honor agreements and do not impose demands on suppliers regarding, for example, delivery, price, and payment terms that cannot be met in the short term without negatively impacting their ability to ensure high employee well-being.
  • We incorporate the seven CSR areas in our selection and evaluation of new suppliers and continuously assess existing suppliers.
  • We produce a transparent report on business ethics containing progress and challenges (CSR report).


Finnerup A/S aims to be recognized as a company that places great importance on the environment and business ethics, and works continuously with suppliers to develop new methods to reduce environmental impact.

We aim to fulfill our societal responsibilities by incorporating the seven core CSR areas into all aspects of business and activities:

  • Human Rights
  • Working Conditions
  • Environment (environmental management system)
  • Business Ethics
  • Consumer Relations
  • Local Community Development

Our work is based on ethical and transparent responsibility for each area, respecting the interests and needs of each stakeholder, and adhering to local and international laws and norms, including human rights.

We believe in and strive to run the business with a focus on high ethical standards, transparency, and responsibility.

It is important to us that…

  • We ensure transparent and ethical business practices (business ethics).
  • We maintain transparent and timely communication with all stakeholders, regarding both financial and non-financial key figures (CSR report).


Feel free to reach out and let us know how we can help you.